My Meditation Minute Card Deck


I used to have a meditation teacher that said, "To be a good meditator you must do an hour in the morning and an hour at night." 2 HOURS?! Are you kidding me? Ain't nobody got time for that! Except maybe people living in a monastery...

I used to work in corporate America and know that between your job, family and life - you truly do need a daily meditation practice to reconnect with self and keep the stress at bay, but who has 2 hours a day? Sheesh - I always thought that was a bit much to ask but I know everyone needs it. I wanted to bridge that gap!

As a Co-Creative Life Coach & Your Friendly Neighborhood Super Woo, I teach meditation as an integral part of your manifesting practice. I wanted to make it easy for you to fit it into your busy day AND not be too scary for meditation newbies.

I present to you: The My Meditation Minute card deck! Everyone needs a minute to chill, check in, and have a moment of daily peace. Let this deck be your space of calm and connection.

There is a minute meditation for every day. You can practice your meditation on your time, in your schedule - wherever you are.

Also included with this deck is a QR code that takes you to a playlist on YouTube all about this deck!
:: An unboxing video so you can see what you're receiving
:: An instruction video on how to use the deck whether incorporating into your daily practice, a new practice or your tarot / oracle card readings. (COMING SOON!)
:: Guided Meditations that each correspond to the cards included in the deck.